Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Here I Go--Getting Younger!

I'm younger today than I was a year ago. Younger than two months ago, when I had my last birthday. Oh, my body isn't any younger; I've got all the aches and pains a man my age is supposed to have, and a few extra to remind me I'm still not quite recovered from my back surgery. I can't drink as much as I used to, music in clubs is way too loud, and if the speed limit is seventy, I do about seventy-five.

So I don't act the way twenty-something me thought young folks are supposed to act. In fact, I'm pretty sure nobody will ever mistake me for a twenty-something again.

But I know something twenty-something me never knew. A lot, in fact. But one thing is particularly clear:

My best days are ahead of me, not behind.

I am happier, more content, wiser, more focused than I ever was in my twenties. And I can't see it getting anything but better. So I'm making plans to make it better.

See, I've set some pretty ambitious goals for this year, goals that are going to help me get better every day. Younger. Closer to the kind of life I dream about for myself and my family. Goals like these:

- Finish the book I've been working on for three years now. Polish it, make it great, and get it out there as an ebook so people can read it.
- Outline and complete the first draft of the sequel.
- Post twenty-five original blog entries.
- Publish twenty-five episodes of a podcast that's been nothing but a dream for more than a year now.
- Take my wife out on thirty dates. That's at least three times (probably more) the number of dates I took her on last year, and maybe half what she deserves.
- Run the White Rock Marathon in December. I've done some long walking, but I've never run more than about six miles.
- Publish twelve pieces for pay.
- Earn my PMP (Project Management Professional) Certification.

Plenty of folks will do a lot more than I will this year. But if I accomplish these, I'll have made more of myself this year than I did last year. Heck--if I accomplish three quarters of these the year will be a success.

At any rate, I'm all set to make this the best year ever. The youngest year. Until next year, at least. And I'll be tracking my progress here.

Anybody want to join me? Post your goals, or a link to them, in a comment and let's chase victory together!

Make it a great day!

1 comment:

  1. I love being married to a younger man every day! Talk about fabulous. I think marriage and men get better with age.
